How Do Traumatic Brain Injuries Affect Personality?

After suffering from a severe brain injury, you may deal with a potentially complex aftermath. The healing time and process differ from person to person. You could find yourself facing memory loss or damage. Some people even suffer from altered personalities. 

How notable are these personality differences? And does your personality ever revert to its usual state as the healing process continues? 

Brain injuries increase impulsivity

Mayo Clinic discusses some effects of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) on the victims. One of the most notable impacts is the potential alteration of your personality. This manifests in several ways. For example, your frontal lobe helps control impulsive behavior. This is why many TBI sufferers with frontal lobe damage grow more rash and impulsive. 

The control of impulse extends beyond thought and activity, too. It also encompasses emotional regulation. When you cannot regulate emotions well, you are prone to outbursts. You may throw temper tantrums or lash out at others. You could also grow weepy and upset without much provocation. Many TBI sufferers find their overall threshold for inconveniences and irritations lowered. 

Difficulties managing TBI effects at work

Unfortunately, this makes working after a TBI difficult. If you cannot control your emotions and impulses, you might find yourself unable to work well with others. These changes often disturb the sufferer as well as anyone who knew them before the accident. This is particularly true of any changes to anger and how you express your anger. 

Over time, as the brain injury heals, your personality will likely return to its usual state. But if damage from the injury persists, some aspects may remain changed. You may want to discuss your recovery options with a professional who can ensure you get the most out of post-accident care. 
